How to Choose the Right Types of Dentures for Your Needs?

new dentures being adjusted

Dentures have long been a solution for people who have lost their teeth or are suffering from oral health issues that require tooth replacement. Choosing the right type of dentures can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to this. However, with the team at Emergency Denture Repair, you can make an informed decision about which type of dentures is right for your needs.

At EDR, we discuss the different types of dentures available and help you make an informed decision about which type of dentures to choose based on your needs. 

Full Dentures

Full dentures are a popular choice for people who have lost all their teeth or require a complete set of dentures. They are designed to fit over your gums and stay in place using suction. Full dentures are custom made to fit the shape of your mouth, and the process may take several appointments with our specialists to ensure a perfect fit.

Complete dentures are made of either acrylic or a combination of acrylic and metal. They are removable, which means you can take them out for cleaning and maintenance. One important thing to note is that full dentures may take some time to get used to, and you may experience some discomfort initially. However, with time, your mouth will adjust to the dentures, and they will become more comfortable to wear.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a great option for people who have lost some of their teeth but still have some remaining natural teeth. They are designed to fit around your remaining teeth, and they are held in place using clasps. Partial dentures are customised to fit the shape of your mouth and match the color of your existing teeth.

Partial upper or lower dentures are made of either acrylic or a combination of acrylic and metal. They are removable, which means you can take them out for cleaning and maintenance. Partial dentures are a great option because they help prevent your remaining natural teeth from shifting out of place.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a great option for people who want a more permanent solution to tooth loss. Implant-supported dentures are held in place using dental implants that are surgically placed into your jawbone. The denture is then attached to the implants, which provides a secure and stable fit.

Implant-supported dentures are a great option for people who want a more natural-looking and feeling solution to tooth loss. They are also a great option for people who have experienced bone loss in their jaw, which can make it difficult to wear traditional dentures.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are a great option for people who need new dentures but cannot go without teeth for an extended period. Immediate dentures are made before your teeth are extracted, and they are placed immediately after your teeth are removed. This means you can leave the dental office with a new set of teeth.

Emergency dentures are designed to fit the shape of your mouth and match the color of your existing teeth. However, it’s important to note that immediate dentures may require adjustments over time as your mouth heals and changes shape.


Overdentures are a great option for people who have some remaining natural teeth but require a full set of dentures. Overdentures are designed to fit over your remaining natural teeth, and they are held in place using attachments. Overdentures are a great option because they help prevent your remaining natural teeth from shifting out of place.

Overdentures are removable, which means you can take them out for cleaning and maintenance. They are also designed to fit the shape of your mouth and match the color of your existing teeth.

Choosing the right dentures for you

Overall, choosing the right type of dentures can be a daunting task. However, with the guidance of the team at Emergency Denture Repairs, you can make an informed decision about which type of dentures is right for your needs. It’s important to consider your specific situation and preferences when choosing the type of dentures that will work best for you.

Additionally, it’s important to take good care of your dentures to ensure they last as long as possible. This includes proper cleaning and maintenance, as well as regular visits to our specialists for adjustments and repairs.

If you’re in need of new dentures, Emergency Denture Repairs is here to help. Our team of experienced denture technicians can provide you with high-quality dentures that are custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly. We offer a wide range of denture options, including full dentures, and partial dentures.

To learn more about our new dentures and denture repair services, visit our website or contact us. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you find the perfect denture solution for your needs.

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