Don’t Fix Your Dentures At Home

denture repair products

We’ve all been guilty of choosing at-home remedies from time to time. Maybe you’ve cut your own hair or bandaged up a sprained wrist. One thing you can’t repair at home is your dentures. If your dentures start to make you feel uncomfortable, you want to reach out to your dentist right away. 

Our mobile denture clinics allow us to visit you in the comfort of your home. Additionally, there are different rebate programs you can take advantage of to cover your denture repairs costs. Instead of having to Google “dentures near me,” our team can come directly to your home to repair your dentures.


Signs Your Dentures Need Repairing

Sometimes you might misdiagnose an issue. You could think it’s just a simple ache in your gums or something you’ve eaten, putting off the treatment you need until it’s too late. Your dentures will become subject to natural wear and tear over time. 

Thanks to the way you chew and your exposure to varying temperatures, there are many issues that may occur to your dentures. There are a few tell-tale signs that something isn’t right with your dentures. One of those signs is inflammation from your dentures’ friction against the gums, often resulting in sores. Infections might occur from food becoming trapped between your dentures and gums, allowing infections to take over.

While there is some low-level pain involved with getting dentures, it should subside within the first month. If you notice any continuing pain in your dentures, you want to see a professional right away. Your dentures naturally thin and shrink over time, meaning you’ll need to replace your dentures every two to three years.


Why You Need The Experts

Although your bathroom is likely stocked with more than a few products to maintain daily hygiene, it’s likely you won’t have the professional equipment dentists use.

Over time, your dentures might shift and become susceptible to breaking. Some people will try to take glue to cover up the breakage. This DIY treatment isn’t good enough and can often do more harm than good. Choosing to use a professional team of dentists means you have ultimate peace of mind and nothing to worry about. 

What might look like a simple repair job could turn into a more serious issue if you try to solve it yourself. There is a reason why a dentist’s degree takes so many years to complete!


Available Denture Rebates

If you can’t attend an in-person appointment, our mobile denture clinics can go to your home directly. We know that financial concerns are a leading reason why people try at-home dental repairs. At Emergency Denture Repair, our team of dentists accepts several discounts and rebate programs to keep your dental healthcare affordable and accessible. 

You may be eligible for a discount depending on your age and health care program. If you’re a veteran or have a specific healthcare plan, you may be able to claim a rebate to cover most of the treatment cost.

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